‘’The Early Detection of Breast Cancer’’ Campaign

‘’The Early Detection of Breast Cancer’’ Campaign is sponsored by the International Pitying Hearts Society/ IPHS in cooperation with the Turkish Ministry of Health. It lasts from 18.03.2016 to 03.22.2016 in the Ottoman Camp for the Syrian refugees in the Turkish Ottoman city.

All women aged over /35/ years will be subject to this medical examination which is a radial mammography.

The campaign provides its services in a mobile specialist center equipped with the latest medical devices for the detection of the breast cancer.

The examination is going on inside the camp through an integrated medical team of Turks brothers.

The medical examination for early detection of breast cancer helps decrease the ratio of mortality because of this disease.

IPHS hopes that this work offers a distinctive medical service to the Syrians and we seek in the near future to rise these services to be circulated to all the Syrians in Turkey.

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