Sneeze: is the sudden convulsive expulsion of air from the nose and mouth, usually caused by foreign particles irritating the nose. Sneezing is an involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the nasal mucous membrane that the nerve endings respond to.
*The average speed of a sneeze is about 100 miles per hour:
Studies show that the speed of a sneeze can reach more than 100 miles per hour, and whatever the sneezing person tries to decrease it, the sneeze will travel 30-35 mph.
* Germs travel to long distances:
Put a napkin on your nose while sneezing since the bacteria can travel to long distances causing the infection to others.
* Sneezing helps to get rid of nasal problems:
It re-opens the nasal passages and saves her from germs and bacteria.
* Sunlight causes sneezing:
Sunlight causes sneezing to 1 out of every 4 people. This case called “the photic sneeze reflex”. Many hypotheses have been developed to explain “the photic sneeze reflex”; The most important one states that the message received by the brain to narrow the pupil in the light can be accompanied by a sneezing stimulating message as a result of overlapping neural pathways of both messages.
* Sneezing several times is normal:
You need to sneeze several times to get rid of the particles and germs that cause allergic reactions and irritation. That’s why man may sneeze twice, three times, or more per sneezing crisis.
* Involuntary closing of eyes:
Sneezing is accompanied by an involuntary closing of eyes since the brain sends a message to close the eyes shortly before sneezing.
* Heart does not stop during sneezing:
In contrary to the common belief which says that the heart stops during sneezing, the heart reaction limited to the slowdown of the rate of beat for a moment because of the deep breathing that precedes sneezing.
* Stifling a sneeze is dangerous:
Some people tries to avoid the embarrassment after sneezing by stifling the sneeze. Doctors have confirmed that this habit may break a blood vessel in the white of the eye, cause a ruptured ear drum, and cause dislocation of the stirrup bone, lymphatic congenital preauricular fistula, spasms to the diaphragm, and many other problems.